Please find the property ID number for Mumbai Region by clicking here. 
Availability of SAC number will ensure accuracy and to view the property tax dues, if any

Help for Property Registration PDE
The website provides data entry for documents to be registered with the Registartion Department.
1. Public data entry can be done by two ways "Data entry without login" and with "Registered user".
2. To create PDE account click on [Create New Account]
3. Once you create an account you can use that to make new entries in PDE application.
4. Forgot password link is given to recover you password. Password is send to registered users mobile number.
5. You can update your profile information through ‘Update profile’
6. You can change your password through ‘Change Password’
7. You can view or make new entry through ‘Registration’ button
8. Registered user can make new entry by using ‘New Token Registration’ link. Select district, choose SRO and click on Start button.
9. You can view earlier entry details by clicking on [Show all token information] button. Here you can View, Edit, Re-import, Add previous registration details by clicking on respective links.
10. Fill all the required information correctly.
11. Eleven digit Data Entry Number is generated.Please Note down the number
12. For any modification you can use eleven digit Data Entry Number and password you have created during the entry. (Please remember the password carefully).
13. Note down Data Entry Number and carry this to SRO office.
14. Entered Information willbe available at SRO office for Registration.
15. For offices in concurrent jurisdiction, you can go to any SRO office with Data Entry Number, irrespective of the office chosen at the time of data enry.
16. Once entry is completed, you may take a printout of the data entry. Please read the printout carefully. Corrections can be made using previous button.
17. This data entry does not mean that document is accepted for registration. SRO officer has authority to reject the document or he may change it as per the rule.
18. For any complaint / suggestion send us email to "".
Mutation (updation) in Land Records(7/12)
1. To create new PDE user account click on [Create New Account] on next page.
2. To create PDE account click on [Create New Account]
3. Once you create an account you can use that to make new entries in PDE application.
4. Forgot password link is given to recover you password. Password is send to registered users mobile number.
5. You can update your profile information through ‘Update profile’
6. You can change your password through ‘Change Password’
7. You can view or make new entry through ‘Registration’ button
8. Login using the username password. Registered user can login directly.
9. After login, select "७/१२ Mutations" button to start Land Record Mutation Entry.
10. You will get a popup message requesting to select proper "Role" of the user.
11. There are three roles in which data entry can be done. One role is Citizen he can do data entry for mutations related to heir (वारस) like add heirs, remove name of guardian (अपाक शेरा कमी करणे),remove HUF name(एक्युमॅ नाव कमी करणे),will(मृत्यूपत्र /व्यवस्थापन पत्र),remove name of deceased person (मयताचे नाव कमी करणे), change trustee name(विश्वस्ताचे नाव बदलणे) Second role is Bank/society. They can do data entry for ekarar and बोजा चढविणे,बोजा कमी करणे
12. There may be other roles which can be defined as and when required
13. According to selected roles the data entry in respective mutations can be done. Hence selection of roles is very important.
NOTE : Once the user selects the role and click submit, the user cannot go back and reselect it.
NOTE : Once the user selects the role and click submit, the user cannot go back and reselect it.
14.After completing the data entry user will be landed on home page from where it started.
15. For any complaint / suggestion send us email to "".
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